
“Human Energy” is an energetic story about people, from 12 European different countries, frightened by the catastrophic perspective of climate change.
They break the stereotypical approach and take power into their hands.
By creating RES (renewable energy source) coop movement they show how to take care of ourselves, empower people to act, change the attitude to common goods and make together money on it.

My goal isn’t to stop climate change. My goal is to take power into our hands
Siward Zomer – President of De Windvogel RES Coop & Dutch Federation of RES Coops. Amsterdam, Netherlands

What are the benefits of the circular economy in the energy sector ?How to cooperate with state decision-makers in that matter? What would happen if instead of wasting money on obsolete thinking and technologies, spend it together to build small, distributed wind farms, solar or biogas plants and consume our own energy?
“Human Energy” is for EVERYONE, especially for those who don’t know or don’t care about energy and climate change.

More than 2,500 RES cooperatives in Europe believe in responsible approach and sustainable energy.

The issues of economics, geopolitics and power engineering are surprisingly presented by several outstanding scientists:

Adam Piechowski
Director, Cooperative Research Institute of the National Cooperative Council of Poland, Warsaw, Poland

Albert Jansen
Senior Advisor Planning and Renewables, AgentschapNL, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Bernard Laponche
Doctor, Physicist of Nuclear Reactors, General Director of AFME, 1982-87, Paris, France

Brian Vad Mathiesen
Professor, Development and Energy Planning. Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark

Claude Turmes
MEP and Minister of Energy, Luxembourg

Dimitris Katsaprakakis
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering School of Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.), Crete, Greece

Ed Mayo
Secretary General of Co-operatives UK, Chief Executive of The National Consumer Council, London, United Kingdom

Hans-Josef Fell
Founder, President of Energy Watch Group, Hammelburg, Germany

Luca Mercalli
Professor, Climatologist, President of Italian Meteorological Society, Turin, Italy

Lutz Ribbe
President, Sustainable Development Observatory in the European Economic and Social Committee, Germany

Szymon Malinowski
Professor of Atmospheric Physicist, Earth Sciences, Director of Institute of Geophysics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Vincenzo Balzani
Professor, Department of Chemistry University Bologna, Italy
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