French premiere of “Human Energy” in Toulouse

n 13 December 2018 the national premiere of “Human Energy” by Adam Dzienis in Toulouse took place.

“Human Energy”, the film on the movement of citizen cooperatives of renewable energies, will be screened in French premiere in Toulouse. See you on Thursday, December 13 for a projection-debate organized by the association FReDD and Enercoop Midi-Pyrénées.

“Jeudis de ma Planète” is a monthly meeting organized by the FReDD association (Film, Research and Sustainable Development) at the Gaumont Pathé Wilson Cinema in Toulouse. It is a question of meeting one Thursday by month around a film whose theme deals with issues of sustainable development and ecological transition.

The citizen cooperative movement of renewable energies is on the rise! Since the 2000s, the forces of these organizations struggle, in different ways, against the heavyweights of energy all related to fossil and fossil fuels. 

This film traces in Europe, the fight, committed women and men; Human Energy is the first film to highlight the experiences of a dozen initiatives, in as many countries, to learn, understand and organize around the citizen energy transition that develops production and access to clean energy for everyone.

The screening is organized in partnership by the Fredd Festival and Enercoop Midi-PyrénéesAfter the film, was the discussion around local energy transition actions with Citoy’enR and Icea.

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